Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl by Melinda Haynes

Finished February 7th, 2008

Rating: 2/10

Unread Authors Challenge Book #5

From Barnes & Noble
Set in the Deep South in the late 1950s, Mother of Pearl vividly brings to life the extraordinary inhabitants of the small town of Petal, Mississippi. Central to the novel are the stories of Even Grade, a 28-year-old black man abandoned by his mother at birth, Valuable Korner, a 15-year-old white girl whose family history holds a trunkful of damning secrets, and Joody Two Sun, an enigmatic obeah woman who sees into the hearts and minds of the townsfolk from her riverside camp on the outskirts of town. Cast in a tragicomic passion play, Even, Val, and Joody find their destinies entwined as they search for the love and family that they have always been denied.

I knew about 60 pages in that I didn't like this book but I have this compulsive need to finish books that I start, I really need to get over that as the book never got any better. I found the writing to be confusing as it jumped around a lot. I didn't enjoy the storylines at all and just found it to be so boring. My first bad book of the year, hopefully they will be few and far between going forward.

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