Monday, December 17, 2007


Bloodstream by Tess Gerritsen

Finished December 12th, 2007

Rating: 8/10

2nds Challenge Book #3

Barnes & Nobles Synopsis
A terrible epidemic that causes irrational, violent behavior plagues the ironically named small town of Tranquility in Tess Gerritsen's latest medical thriller, Bloodstream. But the town may not be as sleepy and innocent as it appears, and possibly harvests a dark secret that threatens the son of Dr. Claire Elliott.

I was first introduced to the author Tess Gerritsen during the Medical Mystery Madness Challenge. I really enjoyed the book I read for that challenge so decided to choose another book by this author for the 2nds challenge. I originally intended to read Life Support by Gerritsen however it was not available at the library so I went with Bloodstream instead. It was an enjoyable read however there were some loose ends that I would have liked to have seen wrapped up. I am glad I was introduced to this author as she is quickly becoming one of my favourites mystery/thriller authors.

1 comment:

BookGal said...

I like this author too. The books are fun reads but she does sometimes leave plots that hang a bit.